• Jones Empowerment Foundation

    We are raising a generation of highly skilled leaders, entrepreneurs and an empowered community capable of making and leading positive change

  • Fostering Growth & Develepment

    We are dedicated to fostering the growth and development of young people, women, and children. Through leadership cultivation, skills
    empowerment, and shared opportunities, we act as growth catalysts, endeavouring to positively impact our communities

  • An International NGO

    The Jones Empowerment Foundation is an international NGO with roots in the United Kingdom, Nigeria and the United States of America

    Empowerment to Growth

    We aspire to be a foremost source of empowerment, support, and inspiration, serving as a beacon of hope for youth, women, and children alike

    We are an international organisation with roots in the United Kingdom, Nigeria and the USA

    The Right Mindset Changes Everything

    We are on a mission to equip individuals, communities, and organisations with the tools to anticipate, instigate, and navigate change in an evolving world

    At the Jones Empowerment Foundation, we are committed to societal advancement

    We aspire to be a foremost source of empowerment, support, and inspiration, serving as a
    beacon of hope for youth, women, and children alike

    Guided by ethical principles, we ensure that every action contributes to a positive future for our organisation and beneficiaries.

    Over the years, The Jones Foundation has made significant strides, impacting over 5500 individuals across communities in Nigeria and the United Kingdom. Our initiatives have been particularly targeted towards aspiring youth, vulnerable women, and children.



    Notable Projects & Achievements

    Over the years, The Jones Foundation has made significant strides, impacting over 5500 individuals across communities in Nigeria and the United Kingdom. Our initiatives have been particularly targeted towards aspiring youth, vulnerable women, and children.

    monthly food bank initiative

    Jones Empowerment Foundation’s devoted initiative to provide food support to women in Ikot Ekot community in Etinan Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. This initiative have sponsored over 100 households

    Etinan Community Centre PROJECT

    The Etinan community centre building project is constructed through partnership with Wolverhampton UK RCCG mission and the Jones Leadership Consulting, UK to support skills development among youth, women and children of the community

    Jones Foundation's Restoration project

    A community-driven initiative providing essential resources such as funding, healthcare services, clean water supply, and educational scholarships to rural communities and their members

    jones foundation Reinvention Conference

    An annual gathering of accomplished and aspiring individuals from diverse sectors aimed at empowering leaders and exploring emerging trends in business and the economy.

    empowerment monitoring project

    A monthly masterclass seminar designed to educate individuals and organisations on anticipating, creating, and leading change through innovation.

    The Purpose

    On a mission to restore hope

    The community project is giving better life to the rural community. We support the communities with funding, pipe borne water, school scholarships

    Community Dev.t 75%
    Mindset Coaching
    Instrumental change

    Book Launch

    Emmanuel Jones Book Launch & Golden Jubilee Celebrations

    Reinvent Your Thinking: Transform Your Life

    “Reinvent Your Thinking: Transform Your Life” invites you on a profound journey of self-discovery and personal transformation. In this empowering book, you will embark on a transformative exploration of your thoughts, beliefs, and perspectives, learning how to break free from self-imposed limitations and embrace a mindset of abundance and possibility. Through powerful insights and practical strategies, you will be guided to challenge the status quo, unlock your true potential, and create the life you’ve always envisioned. Whether you seek to enhance your career, relationships, or overall well-being, this book will revolutionize the way you think and pave the way for a fulfilling, purpose-driven life. Get ready to revolutionize your thinking and unlock the keys to a truly transformative existence.

    The celebration


    We celebrate not only the birthday of our founder, but also the remarkable achievement of his book launch. His book is a testament to his inspiring journey of contribution and serves as a beacon of hope for those in need of a change in their life. 

    Emmanuel Jones & Beautiful family

    Get this Book!


    Through insightful wisdom and practical strategies, this book inspires a mindset shift, equipping individuals with the tools to navigate uncertainty and carve out a path to personal and professional reinvention. With a focus on self-discovery, innovation, and forward-thinking, “Reinventing Yourself for the Future” illuminates the possibilities that arise when we proactively shape our own destinies. Whether you’re seeking a career transformation, pursuing new passions, or simply striving for personal growth, this book is your essential companion on the journey

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    One of Our Deepest Needs is To Help!

    As humans, we have an inate desire in us, to give of ourselves to others. This is how we build community, this is how we grow as society; holding up each other and ensuring those who are at disadvantaged positions, are affected positively. Join us to make the goal of giving hop, happen.